[Quarterman Family History Project]
DNA Project

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Quarterman Family History Project

Quarterman DNA Project

African-American Quartermans

  1. Connections among different African-American Quartermans.
  2. Connections back to Africa?
  3. Connections with other U.S. Quartermans?
  4. Connections back to England?

Results So Far

We have one result back so far, showing haplogroup E1b1a:
E1b1a Haplogroup E1b1a is an African lineage. It is currently hypothesized that this haplogroup dispersed south from northern Africa within the last 3,000 years with the Bantu agricultural expansion. E1b1a is also the most common lineage among African Americans. It can be found at its highest frequency in Senegal and is also found at a very low frequency in North Africa and the Middle East.
Despite what the blurb says, the most common country of origin shown for this haplogroup in FamilyTreeDNA results seems to be Cameroun.

FamilyTreeDNA reports yDNA relatedness in terms of genetic distance: 0 is related, that is, two people share a common patrilineal ancestor. 1 is possibly related, and 2 is probably not related. You can also view these as how far back you're related; another yDNA project has demonstrated that 2 plus genealogical documentation can mean you're related, just 1,000 years ago.

For this project member and a member of the Midway Quartermans), the genetic distances for the various yDNA tests are: 17, 31, and 47. FamilyTreeDNA also expresses this as a percent probability of being related 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 generations ago, which in this case is 0.00% for any of those numbers of generations. In other words, as unrelated as any two people are likely to be.

Other African-American Quartermans could be related to the white Quarterman Midway group, however, this member's family is not.

Of course, if you go back enough thousands of years, everybody is related. And both of these project members' families both did indeed live in Liberty County, Georgia, as recently as 150 years go, so there is cultural relatedness, even if not genetic.

We've got some initial answers to the questions on the left (don't know, yes, no, and no, at least for this one male line). We need more submissions from other Quarterman groups to say anything more precise. Join now!

Last changed: $Date: 2008/05/07 16:29:53 $ [Quarterman Family History Project]