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   Midway Museum
Quarterman Family History Project

Midway Museum

PO Box 195
Midway, Georgia 31320
Curator: Joann Clark
Asst. Curator: Dianne Eller

We Need Your Support!

The museum does not receive any money from the federal government, state, or county.

We operate by donations, gifts, and small admission fees.

There is so much heritage here in Midway!
We need to preserve our heritage for many years to come,
and we need your help to do so!

Another site on the Liberty Trail, Ft. Morris, was closed to only open 3 days a way, and we do not want this to happen to us.

Any monetary contribution is greatly appreciated!

See a 360 degree visual tour.

Last changed: $Date: 2007/06/11 18:10:21 $ [Quarterman Family History Project]