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RE: Interesting articles


If you let me have the web site address for the English Historical Review I will try to find out where I can obtain a copy of the article. Do we know whether John Blair is a Don at Queens College or a student? I live in Oxford so I could try phoning or visiting the college?


Victoria Mckenzie (Nee Quarterman)

-----Original Message-----
From: Connie Sadler [mailto:csadler72@computermail.net]
Sent: 08 July 2002 21:13
To: quarterman@quarterman.org
Subject: Re: Interesting articles

Thank you for this link.  All of these articles are helpful, and I thought one was especially interesting.  The article on "Quartremaine and the Domesday Book" mentions a "William," one of the Bishop of Lincoln's men, who held land.  To support this, they reference an article in "The English Historical Review" (Feb 2001), written by John Blair of Queen's College, Oxford.  I went to the English Historical Review website, and tried to figure out how to access the article.  They were unclear whether even su bscribing to the Journal would guarantee access to the archives.

I think it would be very helpful to be able to see the article, because it sounds like Blair made a compelling case for the "William" in the Domesday book being a Quartremaine ancestor.  I've seen that speculated on elsewhere, I believe on this discussion list.  It would be very helpful to our history to link an ancestor to the Domesday Book.

Does anyone su bscribe to that journal?  Or know how we could access the article?

Here's the entry in the Domesday Book:

Of the land of the manor of Thame, Robert holds 10 hides from the Bishop; Saewold 4 hides; William 3 hides; Alfred and his associate 6 hides.
In lordship 10 ploughs;
16 villagers with 21 smallholders and 8 slaves have 10 ploughs.
Total value £20.

By the way, a "hide" of land, theoretically, was about 120 acres, although it could vary quite a bit.  It was based on the amount of land that one ox-team (consisting of eight oxen) could cultivate in one year.


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