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Re: Suggested Correction to 67 John F Andrews [QF, [146]

You may well be correct. Stacy does not give a middle initial for the
John Andrews son of Micajah and Ann. I have no reference for why we
got the John F. My only references are Stacy's transcription of the 
Midway Records. 

I'm interested in any additional info on John Andrews, son of Micajah and
Ann. We seem to have his wife's name spelled Michael, not far phonetically
from Mikell. It appears we got Michael from Bess Stanley's Marriage 
Records of Liberty County. "p. 6 Andrews, John F. -Michael, Ann E. (S).
7/23/1849; 7/24/1849. Quarterman J.I.C. 

Maybe this is where we got the John F. from.

As you say this Andrews line is not my line either, we were trying to
give information on the descendants of the Quarterman daughters and
included what we were able to find.

					David Quarterman