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Re: Happy Holidays

>>>>>>Hello and a great Christmas and New Year and Millenium to you and all
>our cousins and families.  Thanks to you and your branch for all the hard
>work and success with the Quarterman Book.  I have really enjoyed using it.  

Thanks, Joe.

>Please give your brother David my best regards.  I don't have his e-mail

As you've seen by his reply, he's on the list.

>  I remember our phonecon many years ago regarding the Camden
>County branch of our family. It would surely have been more convenient had
>I had a computer then.  I agree with the book that  we will find a
>connection between the Liberty and Camden County Quartermans of Oxfordshire.

Some day.  The main problem seems to be in getting the Liberty County
group connected back to Oxfordshire.  Robert Quarterman who emigrated
to South Carolina was probably born during the unpleasantness of the
mid-1600s, when records were a bit spotty.  That plus the British
burning the records in Charleston in 1781 leave a bit of a gap.

>Have a good trip back to Georgia and my best wishes to all.

And to you.

>Samuel Joseph {Joe Pete) Quarterman

John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>