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Re: Photos

>Connie and all.
>I have photos of artifacts that were found when the original Quartermain
>house at Chalgrove was excavated before the land was made into a playing
>field. If you or anyone else would like coppies get in touch with me at
>sydquarterman@supanet.com and I will gladly send you coppies.

Maybe we can get them scanned and put them on the web.

>You may also like to know about the confrontation between Roger Quatremayn
>( as it was spelt) and Archbishop William Laud. This took place around the
>English Cival War period. It is in a book called Storm Center of Stuart
>England by Robert Tristram Coffin. I was told by a friend who lives in New
>York that there is a copy in the library thire. Roger had a book written, it
>was called Quatermayn's Conquest over Canterbury's Court. I am shore that
>the Bodlian library in Oxford have a copy, but they won't admit it, and
>getting in there is like getting into the bank of England.

I've heard of Roger's book, but have never seen it.

A correspondent named A.J.G. Bricknell sent a letter to
B.J. Kincaid dated 12 May 1923, in which he mentioned:

``This, (another of the treasures of my library) is a very rare
small 4to (?) book of 47 pages, by Roger Quatremain
who was born at Watlington, Oxon. He was a Puritan and his book
recounts in very quaint detail his trial before the Archbishop of
Canterbury (William Laud) in old St. Paul's in 1640 and at Lambeth Palace
and at the Guildhall, to try to force him to take a certain oath,
and accusing him of holding `conventicles' etc.''

We tried locating Bricknell or his heirs, with no success.

Archibishop Laud, that famous enemy of Puritans, may have recorded
his version of this trial somewhere.

Oxford University has a good online library service, including the
Bodleian, but it doesn't seem to list this book.

>Syd Quarterman.

John S. Quarterman <jsq@quarterman.org>
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