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RE: UK Quartermans


My Great Grandfather Henry F W Quarterman also served in the British Army in W.W.I. We have his medals which like yours read Quartermain along the side. He served in France. My father has postcards and a letter Henry sent to his wife whilst stationed in France which is very interesting, as the way he spoke is very different to today's modern English. 

I have begun researching these medals at the service records building in Kew, London. There is a bounty of information there on individuals and the medals themselves. The ID reference number on the medals is very useful although the whole process is very time consuming.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Quarterman [mailto:david@corexe.com]
Sent: 03 January 2002 16:42
To: quarterman@quarterman.org
Subject: UK Quartermans

Just browsed your site. I live in Gloucestershire UK, next door to Oxfordshire. My father, Allan Charles Quarterman was born in London in 1919 (I think) and is still alive and living in Dorset. His father, Charles Quarterman (mis-spelt by the British Army from Quartermain in 1914) lived in Lambourn, Berkshire, just over the Oxfordshire border, until he moved to London in the early 1900's.

If any of this is of interest, I'd be happy to provide more detail and find out more.

[ Excess quotations omitted. ]

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