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Quarterman Dates

   June 3

   1751: blunt lightning rods, The King was right. George III decreed
   that all royal residences have blunt tips on their lighting rods.
   American inventor and patriot Benjamin Franklin advocate of
   independence invented the lightning rod with a pointed tip in 1749.
   The King was piqued because of the Americans espousal of independence.
   Charles Moore, retired atmospheric physicist of the New Mexico
   Institute of Mining and Technology for seven years tested lighting
   rods and found that a 19mm blunt end rod was most effective.

   1940: Dunkirk [end],
   [2]Final day of British withdrawal from Dunkirk after the fall of
   France. Everything that could float in England, some boats making
   three or more journeys on their own, amid dive bombing and strafing by
   the Luftwaffe.


   1. http://www.quarterman.org/q/timeline.html
   2. http://www.quarterman.org/sinclair/history/mod/battleofdunkirk.html
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