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Re: Missionary Q's in China


>The really interesting detail regarding all this is that these missionaries
>served together with one of the fathers of the modern missions movement,
>Hudson Taylor. They were serving in Ningpo, China, on a missions compound of
>the Presbyterian Church, and Taylor was a regular there. It was at this time
>he was just starting to develop his "Second Wave" of modern missions -- the
>drive away from the coastal, colonial settlements into the interior of
>China. Thus was founded the "China Inland Mission", the first of many such
>missions, seeking to spread Christ without spreading Western culture.

There is even a movie about this mission, although the title of it
escapes me at the moment.  I think it was made in the 1950s; it was
a mainstream Hollywood movie, but was rather good nonetheless.

>It is just these sorts of events and human interest stories which are
>uncovered in family research which make it so worthwhile. It brings out the
>drama of the past, and can inspire like nobility (or humility) in us. In
>case you're wondering, I am not serving as a missionary through the
>inspiration of the events recorded here, but one does have to wonder about
>the overall influence of the Covenant of Grace in the Quarterman family. For
>me, it was more of the influence of being taught the Shorter Catechism as a
child by my grandfather, Thomas P. Quarterman of Savannah. Just as referred
>to in Stacy, the blessings pass "from generation to generation".

What is your mission like?  Do you have a school?  An orphanage?
Do you do circuit riding?

>Dr. Clayton E. Quarterman
>Presbyterian Church in America
>Odessa, Ukraine

John S. Quarterman <jsq@mids.org>
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